Since 1984
We are a supportive club focused on helping athletes achieve their personal best
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Membership Categories and Fees
Curtin University Athletics Club promotes active engagement in athletics for all ages and abilities.
Interim members
$70.00 (six months only) - City of Canning track access fees for athletes joining CUAC in the non-competitive Athletics WA season (April - September)
Curtin Students
$160.00 (this includes full CUAC and Athletics WA membership and includes City of Canning track access fees). The scheduled Athletics WA winter program is included as part of this membership. The usual Athletics WA fees for the Strive program of that season are not included. This fee only applies to currently enrolled Curtin University students
Senior (12-30 years)
$190.00 (this includes full CUAC and Athletics WA membership and includes City of Canning track access fees)
Affiliated members (MAWA, >30)
$90.00 (Full Club membership recognising that some athletes are members of other organisations)